Blog » Algorand Governance » Calculating Governance Rewards

Calculating Governance Rewards

Algorand’s Governance Program has been a great success in engaging the community to help shape the future of the Algorand blockchain. I’m honestly proud of the thoughtful discussions that have come from the Algorand Forum, the period 3 community town hall livestream, twitter, and reddit. The community is engaged and cares.

In a small way I try to give back when I can by sharing my skills. I read many comments from users that didn’t understand why they received less Governance rewards between Period 1 and Period 2. So, I created a spreadsheet that will calculate exactly how many rewards your wallet received from past Governance periods, as well as, calculate your potential rewards for the active period.

Past Governance APRs

PeriodStandard Governance APRDeFi Governance APR

Free Algorand Governance Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet Features

Calculate Period Reward ROI

Once you have created your own copy of the spreadsheet  you can view past and current period rewards. You can change the period by selecting from the drop down list under “Period Select.” This makes it simple to compare past periods. 

All metrics and variables can be found using the foundations API, (, you can change the last digit in the URL to access past period data.

  • Total Committed– the total number of Algos that were committed for that governance period. If you are viewing an active period than this number can drop as more users become ineligible.
    • In period 9 we saw a 1,911,528,647 Algos committed by eligible governors. 
  • Reward Pool– the number of reward Algos the Algorand foundation has allocated for the selected governance period.
    • In period 9 the foundation allocated 32,000,000 Algos to be distributed proportional to the amount of Algos a governor committed. This reward pool has two distinct allocations; Algos reserved for defi participants (14,500,000 Algos) and Algos reserved for defi participants (17,500,000 Algos) this is where the two rates listed above come from.   
  • Governance Period ROI %– Calculates the percentage return on investment for this period. To calculate the ROI we divide the non-defi reward pool by the total committed algos.
    • For period 9 we would divide  14,500,000/1,911,528,647.  Meaning period 9 saw an ROI of .76% which means for all eligible governors they earned a .76% return for their committed Algos over the 3 month governance period if they participated through governance as a non-defi participant. 
  • Annualized Rate of Return– This calculation aims to extrapolate out the annual rate of return if you were to reinvest your rewards for four periods in a row with the same governance period ROI % for all 4 periods. The equation is (1+Governance period ROI %)4-1. We raise to the power of 4 as there are 4 periods.
    • For period 9 we see an annualized rate of return of 3.07% with the following equation (1+.0076)4-1.
  • Defi Governance Period ROI %– Calculates the percentage of return for participating in governance through an approved defi solution. This includes liquid governance (e.g. Folks Finance) or LP tokens (e.g. Tinyman). Approved LP tokens can be used in the standard governance platform allowing for the Algo portion of your LP token to be used in governance.
    • For period 9 this metric is found by dividing the Algos reserved for defi participants by the total committed stake for extra rewards (variables can be found in the API). Resulting in 4.69% ROI for the period for defi participants with the following equation (17,500,000/445,302,102)+Governance Period ROI %.

Important Dates for Governance Periods

Under the governance details table you will find details specific to the selected period.

Algorand Governance Period Details | Algo Cleanup
  • Period status (Active or Closed)
  • Number of governors
  • Important dates

This spreadsheets can be used as a way to track important upcoming dates from when a period starts, when you have to commit your Algos by, when voting opens, and when a period ends.

Your Governance Rewards

You can also enter your Algorand wallet address to see current and past period rewards. Just enter your wallet address and by leveraging Algorand’s API the spreadsheet will link to your governance page for the selected period. The spreadsheet will also show how much your commitment was and your rewards for the selected period. This is a great way to keep track of past period rewards. 

Algorand Governance Wallet Rewards | Algo Cleanup

This spreadsheet will also indicate if your wallet is eligible for governance rewards. If the wallet is ineligible for the selected period the spreadsheet will indicate if it was due to falling below your committed balance out of it was due to failing to vote. 

Note when you create a copy of this spreadsheet it is your own copy that I nor anyone else can access. 

Governance Reward Calculation

To get the accurate governance rewards an eligible wallet received follow the equation below. 


Round down your number of Committed Algos * Governance Period ROI % to 6 digits. Then subtract .002 Algos.

I’m assuming the .002 Algos is for transaction fees the foundation spends to send the rewards. Now you have the exact amount of algos you have or will receive for the governance periods. 

There are helpful links under the “Helpful Resources” tab. These include links to the Algorand Foundation’s API documentation and other relevant links. There are examples wallets to play with in the spreadsheet as well. The example wallets can show what an eligible wallet looks like compared to two different ineligible wallets that fell below their committed balance or failed to vote. 

Feel free to make as many copiers as you’d like for different wallets. Or you can try to customize the spreadsheet. This spreadsheet will always be free and will be updated with each period.

DeFi Governance Reward Calculation

I use this api call to bring in important data for each governance period.

You can change the 9 in the url to access past period stats.

Note these fields:

  • algo_rewards_reserved_for_non_defi_participants:14500000000000
  • algo_rewards_reserved_for_defi_participants:17500000000000
  • ⁠total_committed_stake:1911528647101447.0
  • total_committed_stake_for_extra_rewards:445302102818169.0

To find the vanilla rate “algo_rewards_reserved_for_non_defi_participants” / “total_committed_stake” * 0.000001

The amounts are in micro algos hence why you multiply by 0.000001

Defi “algo_rewards_reserved_for_defi_participants” / “total_committed_stake_for_extra_rewards” * 0.000001 + vanilla governance rate (found above).

If you find this spreadsheet valuable please consider donating to my project, Algo Cleanup.